Two paper model kits from my collection.
Panzer II and Panzer III paper model kits 1/20 scale were printed in WW II Germany.
It's a little bit off-topic from the Panzer manuals, but it's interesting that the paper model kits were used as the tank recognition training in WWII.
These kits were printed in thick paper are approx 70 x 50 cm in size.
Also a "Stug III" paper model kit existed in those days.
Panzer III assembled image
Panzer II assembled image
Panzer III (upper) and Panzer II (lower)

Panzer III
Assembling instruction manual : front
Assembling instruction manual : back
Panzer II
From web,
Here is a Stug III paper model kit below.
Unfortunately the image is low resolution, and I could not find the original one.
A adhesive ”UHU, Der Alleskleber” leaflet tells us this paper model kit was used for boys (but who were engaged in the military?) in those days.
"Auch bei den Modellierbogen der Heerestypen gibt es Schwierigkeiten. Sorgfältig müssen die Ketten der Panzerwagen ausgeschnitten werden. Um einen sauberen Nachbau zu erreichen, bestreichen wir die Kleberänder nur mit ganz wenig wasserfestem, farblosen.
Der Alleskleber"
UHU, Der Alleskleber