The combat history book of the s.Pz.Abt.503 (The first edition)

17 Oct, 2018
Edit: 4 July, 2020

The combat history of the s.Pz.Abt.503 German language first edition. A famous Tiger tank commander: Alfred Rubel and veterans of the s.Pz.Abt.503 edited for their memorial, and published by themselves by 250 books in 1990. This is the one of them.

I think it's better to search a combat history of Leutnant Zabel. But it must take too much time, because the book has 578 pages plus attachments almost 150 pages involves many reports and a reprint Tigerfibel. 
Later I found a information about Leutnant Zabel, finally.

The English edition book published in 2008 has 439 pages.

A list of references for the research presentation at The Military History Society of Japan

This is a list of references for the research presentation at The Military History Society of Japan . I'm grateful to the researchers an...